Success stories – Perfect Keto Making ketosis affordable, effective and delicious with keto supplements and food products Tue, 10 May 2022 14:34:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 “It is mind-blowing the impact keto has on mental health.” Thu, 27 Jan 2022 22:22:12 +0000 After having two beautiful kids, Nisha found herself in a scary place. 

“Prior to having kids, I was very athletic, outgoing, and social. I was somebody who was happy and strong…[After I had my first child], I just didn’t feel happy anymore.”

And she says the symptoms got worse: “It was crying, it was negative thoughts…and it just compounded after I had my [second child]. The tipping point was when there were active suicidal thoughts.”

Nisha knew she had to do make a big change. 

“I had friends who had successfully done keto. So I always knew that, metabolically speaking, you will lose weight on keto.” What surprised her, though, was the mental and emotional health that came when she switched to keto. 

It is mind-blowing the impact keto has on mental health.


Nisha Success Stories


Nisha’s Keto Success

Nisha has been keto for 2 full years now and lost 56 pounds.

“I wake up and I’m happy. I can keep up with my kids, there’s no huffing and puffing. My husband has noticed that I’m not stressed out.”

My whole outlook on life has totally changed.

“Now my husband and my kids are all keto with me.”

“To literally step away from having pills in your hand to being where I am today… I can’t even tell you how much of a transformation it is.”

But Nisha’s journey was not without challenges. When asked about the hardest part about making this switch, she says, “To be honest, the critics.” 

“I had family members and friends who would literally tell me I was killing my kids, or killing my husband… I didn’t expect that kind of criticism. That was really hard.”

For her, though, the science doesn’t lie. As a nurse and self-proclaimed nerd, Nisha dug into research and found that a lot of the benefits she and her family were experiencing, all came down to ketones.

“I tried Atkins and I tried paleo. I kind of grew up on the Mediterranean diet. But you don’t get the same ketones with any of those other diets… If you do keto right and decrease other inflammatory elements around you, you give ketones a chance to do what they were meant to do. And it will work.”

Perfect Keto products help Nisha and her family maintain their keto lifestyle without sacrificing the sweet things in life.

“My all-time favorite are the Nola Bars! The peanut one tastes like a PayDay to me. We dip them in melted chocolate. And the coconut one tastes like an Almond Joy. My kids love them too. And your MCT Oil Powders and Collagen taste genuinely really, really good. The Salted Caramel and Strawberry flavors are honestly like a dessert. They hit the spot.”

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“Life Is Too Short to be Anything but Happy” Fri, 04 Sep 2020 08:00:56 +0000 Success Stories (1).png

Leandrea does it all: she’s a mother of two, a full-time nurse practitioner, and a former competitive dancer. 

But over the last few years, Leandrea’s health took a backseat in her life.

“I never imagined I would get to the point of an immense struggle with body image and weight,” she said. “But after having my second babe, I was left exhausted and with a LOT of extra poundage.”

Leandrea hadn’t just put on weight. Her eating habits had taken an emotional toll on her, too. 

“I didn’t even like who I was anymore…I knew something had to change.”

“I was running on empty. I was depressed, anxious, exhausted…and angry. I didn’t like having people over or going out…I was irritable and short-fused with everyone around me, including my sweet girls.

“I didn’t even like who I was anymore…I had lost my spontaneity and my lust for life. I knew something had to change.”

Leandrea’s Keto Success Story

Leandrea began researching ways to lose weight. She discovered keto and started reading about it in depth. 

“The science and research was undeniable,” she said. “It simply made sense to me.”

“I have energy for my family again!”

Leandrea started keto in May 2020. It was a struggle for her at first, but things turned for her when she convinced her husband to join her on keto. 

“It’s difficult when your family isn’t following the same way of eating. This was a challenge in the beginning but shortly after I started keto, my husband started too! Made it so much easier.” 

After a few short months, Leandrea looks — and feels — like a completely different person. 

“I am happier, energized, [have] less brain fog…and [I’m] experiencing better gut health. I have energy for my family again!”

When asked about her favorite Perfect Keto products, Leandrea had an immediate answer.

“This household loves the Perfect Keto Bars and Cookies! We keep stocked at all times. They’re a great snack and easy to satisfy that sweet tooth. I also use the PK Collagen and love it! I’ve used other brands prior and there’s no comparison. PK products definitely help me to be successful in this lifestyle!”

Leandrea, a huge congratulations on your incredible keto transformation! We wish you the best as you continue on your keto journey. 

Keto Success Stories are shared by our readers and customers in their own words. The keto diet and any nutrition advice found on this blog are not meant as a medical intervention, advice, or diagnosis. If you’re interested in trying a new diet, supplement, or lifestyle change, please speak with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider. As with any diet or lifestyle protocol, individual results may vary.

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From Obese and Hypertensive to Fit and Healthy Mon, 17 Aug 2020 08:00:19 +0000 At 51 years old, Daniel was obese and at risk of having a heart attack. 

“I was 245 pounds,” he says. “If I was walking fast I would huff and puff. My blood pressure was averaging 140/90 on meds. My cholesterol was through the roof!”

Daniel had two of the largest risk factors for cardiovascular disease: high blood pressure and high cholesterol. He was in the age range where heart attacks began to happen. Things weren’t looking good. He knew what had to change: his diet.

“I ate way too much and it was always the wrong things,” he says. “Fast food was a staple. I was miserable.”

“I viscerally needed to make me better.”

And it wasn’t just how he felt physically. Daniel’s weight gain taxed him mentally, too.

“I wasn’t happy with my health, self image, and future. I viscerally needed to make me better.”

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Daniel’s Keto Success Story

Everything changed when Daniel saw a candid photo that a friend had taken of him. 

“I saw a picture of myself and I was disgusted with what I had become. I didn’t realize how out of shape I had gotten. I was miserable and didn’t even recognize it! I knew I had to make a change or the outlook wasn’t good.”

At first, Daniel experimented with low-calorie diets — and while he’d lose weight at first, none of them worked for him long-term. 

“I tried other diets and there was no real progress,” he says. “They were all based on variations of the “western diet”. There were always way too many carbs and I always ended up bloated eating that way.”

Eventually, Daniel found keto. He noticed a difference immediately, and his health hasn’t stopped improving since.

“Keto was a program/lifestyle that offered a transformation not a quick fix. I’ve learned that living a keto lifestyle has helped me change myself into someone that I can be proud of. 

I have lost 45 pounds and actually have definition in my abs! My cholesterol is healthy. My blood pressure averages 115/70. I can run without much effort and I can actually see a difference in my health, self image and future!”

When asked about how Perfect Keto has helped him in his Journey, Daniel had a lot to say. 

“Dr. Gustin’s way of talking openly and plainly helped me understand keto. That led me to Perfect Keto and I never looked back.

“I use a lot of Perfect Keto’s products. My day starts with collagen in my coffee. It keeps me satiated through the mornings. The exogenous base helps to fight any cravings that might show up and keeps me in ketosis to boot. The bars are there to give me a snack that won’t spike my blood sugar. The cookies are my indulgence!”

Daniel, all of us on the Perfect Keto team are blown away by your transformation. A huge congratulations on your success, and the best of luck to you as you continue your keto journey. 

Keto Success Stories are shared by our readers and customers in their own words. The keto diet and any nutrition advice found on this blog are not meant as a medical intervention, advice, or diagnosis. If you’re interested in trying a new diet, supplement, or lifestyle change, please speak with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider. As with any diet or lifestyle protocol, individual results may vary.

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He Dropped 8 Sizes in 7 Months Mon, 27 Jul 2020 08:00:23 +0000 Doug.png

Before keto, Doug spent years struggling with his weight.

“My life before keto was very dull,” he says. “Uneventful, low energy…drinking every night after work and ordering food deliveries late at night…It was pretty sorry and bleak.”

“I’ve always been overweight, and I knew it was time for a drastic shift.”

Doug had been gradually gaining weight, but it wasn’t until he saw a candid photo of himself that he realized how bad things had gotten.

“I was scrolling through Facebook and noticed photos that a cousin of mine posted and couldn’t believe how big I got…I’ve always been overweight, and I knew it was time for a drastic shift.

August 21st, 2019 was my time of change. [After that], it was the keto life!”

Doug had tried other diets before, but none had worked for him. Then he talked to several of his friends who had recently lost weight on keto.

“I had some close trusted friends that did keto prior and had some amazing results. So I said, ‘Why not? Let’s try this out!’”

Doug’s Keto Success Story

Doug struggled with keto for the first few weeks, but he found a strategy to manage his carb cravings until he transitioned into ketosis.

“The hardest part of starting keto was cutting the sugar out,” he says. “As well as the carb packed foods like pizza. I basically would get glasses of water any time I got cravings for those types of things and told myself that’s how I failed my mission before this!”

“I’ve never been comfortable in my own skin until now.”

Doug’s conviction carried him through the keto transition period, and once he settled into keto, things began to go smoothly.

“I’ve never been comfortable in my own skin until now. It’s kinda cool hearing people giving you compliments and praising you and saying that you’re inspiring them to do keto.

“Another thing is being able to fit in sizes I’ve never been able to before like dropping for a XL shirt size to a Medium and 42-44 pants to a 36.”

Doug has relied on Perfect Keto products throughout his keto journey.

“Perfect Keto helped me by having the best on-the-go breakfast Keto Bars. I eat them a handful of times a week.

“I also add collagen to my morning keto coffee whenever I make it. For a treat I will snack on the chocolate macadamia nuts. Yum!”

Doug, your rapid weight loss and positive attitude are an inspiration to us all. A huge congratulations on your success with keto. We wish you best as you continue on your keto journey.

Have a story to share? Fill out this form and look out for your keto success story on our blog and social media.

Keto Success Stories are shared by our readers and customers in their own words. The keto diet and any nutrition advice found on this blog are not meant as a medical intervention, advice, or diagnosis. If you’re interested in trying a new diet, supplement, or lifestyle change, please speak with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider. As with any diet or lifestyle protocol, individual results may vary.

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I Fit Into Clothes I Haven’t Worn Since I Was 12” Sun, 19 Jul 2020 08:00:41 +0000 Mike has struggled with his weight his entire life, starting when he was a teenager. In the last few years, his health challenges began to catch up with him.  

“I was overweight and tired all the time,” he says. “Clothes didn’t fit and blood work showed I was prediabetic…I weighed 218 pounds.”

Mike had tried to lose weight, but he’d never seen success long-term. 

“I’ve never been comfortable in my own skin until now.”

“I’ve done other diets before, only calorie restriction was too hard and unbearable for long-term sustainability. Paleo felt more restrictive to me [than keto].”

After trying so many different diets that didn’t work, Mike was getting frustrated. Fortunately, everything clicked for him when he found keto. 

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Mike’s Keto Success Story

“I have learned so much after doing research on nutrition for my diet change,” Mike says. “I now have energy for my day, and I am able to fit into clothes sizes I haven’t worn since I was 12.”

Mike faced some challenges with keto at first — his family was still eating a lot of carbs — but he persevered.

“I now have energy for my day, and I’m able to fit into clothes sizes I haven’t worn since I was 12.”

“Adjusting to new foods and restricting a lot of what I was used to eating…It was challenging to adjust when the rest of my family was not adjusting their diets. I overcame these challenges by realizing that I love ribeye, and bacon, and most of the foods on keto, and it didn’t matter what my family was eating as long as I was doing keto and getting healthy.”

Now, after almost two years on keto, Mike is in the best shape of his life. He feels better than he has in a long time, his prediabetes is gone, and he finally feels like he’s found a sustainable way to eat. 

Throughout his keto transformation, Mike has relied on a couple different Perfect Keto products. 

“I’ve used a few of the Perfect Keto products and love using them. The MCT Oil and the Keto Bars are delicious staples.”

Mike, congratulations on all your health gains! Here’s to your continued success on keto; we hope you inspire others to start their own keto journey.

Have a story to share? Fill out this form and look out for your keto success story on our blog and social media.

Keto Success Stories are shared by our readers and customers in their own words. The keto diet and any nutrition advice found on this blog are not meant as a medical intervention, advice, or diagnosis. If you’re interested in trying a new diet, supplement, or lifestyle change, please speak with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider. As with any diet or lifestyle protocol, individual results may vary. 

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“I’ve Lost 180 Pounds” Sun, 14 Jun 2020 08:00:03 +0000 Today, we have the pleasure of sharing one of the most extraordinary keto success stories to date.

A short 18 months ago, Marc was facing a health crisis.

“I was morbidly obese,” he says. “I had no energy, had constant pain from inflammation…It was becoming obvious to me that if my life stayed on the same trajectory, I would die before 50.”

Marc had tried diets before, but keto appealed to him because of its simplicity.

“Keto seemed like the easiest ‘diet’ to keep track of — you could simply read the food label, or look it up in a tracking app, and know if you should or shouldn’t eat it.”

“I now have energy for my day, and I’m able to fit into clothes sizes I haven’t worn since I was 12.”

Between the lack of calorie-counting and keto’s hunger-suppressing benefits, Marc has found a formula that works for him.

“I’ve lost 180 pounds,” he says. “Getting up out of bed and not having the weight of an extra full-grown person weighing you down opens you up to so many possibilities.”

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Marc’s Keto Success Story

Marc has struggled throughout his keto journey. He had to get used to being in social situations without compromising his low-carb lifestyle.

“[There are] awkward times where people are eating carbs and drinking beers and you’re not. People also try to get you to eat unhealthy foods.”

“I’ve been able to wear a clothes size that I wasn’t able to wear since age 12.”

Fortunately, Marc has gotten used to staying strong in moments of temptation.

“When you’re burning fat, it’s easier to go longer without eating. So if I’m in a situation where good food isn’t available, I’ll just wait.”

Marc also keeps low-carb snacks on him for on-the-go emergencies.

“I love Perfect Keto bars as a snack. I’ll throw them in my bag if I’m going to go out, so I’m less tempted to go for something unhealthy. I also use theketo collagen to help firm up my skin and lubricate my old joints.”

Marc, your keto weight loss transformation is one of the most extraordinary and inspirational ones we’ve ever seen. From all of us on the Perfect Keto team, here’s a huge CONGRATULATIONS on your success. We wish you well as you continue your keto journey.

Have a story to share? Fill out this form and look out for your keto success story on our blog and social media.

Keto Success Stories are shared by our readers and customers in their own words. The keto diet and any nutrition advice found on this blog are not meant as a medical intervention, advice, or diagnosis. If you’re interested in trying a new diet, supplement, or lifestyle change, please speak with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider. As with any diet or lifestyle protocol, individual results may vary.

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“I Feel So Much More Confident In Myself”: Amy’s Keto Success Story Sat, 09 May 2020 08:00:46 +0000 When asked what her life was like before keto, Amy didn’t mince words.

“Miserable,” she says. “I was full of inflammation and tired all the time. I suffered from very low self-esteem because of how poorly I felt being overweight and sluggish.”

It wasn’t just how she felt and looked, either. Amy had serious, life-altering health problems knocking at her door.

“I think I was addicted to sugar…something had to change.”

“I was on the verge of developing type 2 diabetes. I think I was addicted to sugar.”

Amy wanted to lose weight and improve her health, but nothing had ever worked for her.

“I had tried so many other forms of dieting. I was vegan for a year or so…while I saw changes in my weight and overall health, I felt that it just was not sustainable for me.”

For Amy, everything clicked into place with an old photo.

“I saw a picture of myself taken when we moved my daughter into her dorm her freshman year [of college]. I knew at that moment that something had to change.”

After seeing that photo, Amy decided to commit to a keto diet.


Amy’s Keto Success Story

Right from the start, Amy felt that keto was different from any other diet she’d tried.

“My body has responded to a keto lifestyle in ways I never thought possible,” she says.

“My energy levels are so much better. I really enjoy the types of foods that I eat and I do not find that I really miss the heavy carbs I used to eat daily.”

Even better, Amy has reversed her prediabetes completely.

“My glucose levels are consistently low to normal and it just feels good. Learning how to create keto-friendly foods has been so fun!”

“My body has responded to a keto lifestyle in ways I never thought possible.”

Today, after 205 days on keto, Amy is within her healthy weight range. She’s thriving, and she wants to keep going. She feels keto is a long-term lifestyle, not a diet.

“While I am not to my goal yet, I still feel much more confident in myself and excited to continue this journey indefinitely. I never want to go back to the standard American diet.”

Amy has used a few Perfect Keto products to help her on her journey. When asked about her favorite?

Nootropics. Definitely. I use nootropics and collagen daily.”

Amy, congratulations on your amazing transformation, and thank you for sharing your keto success story with us. We hope it inspires others to start their own keto journey for weight loss and overall health.

Have a story to share? Fill out this form and look out for your keto success story on our blog and social media.

Keto Success Stories are shared by our readers and customers in their own words. The keto diet and any nutrition advice found on this blog are not meant as a medical intervention, advice, or diagnosis. If you’re interested in trying a new diet, supplement, or lifestyle change, please speak with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider. As with any diet or lifestyle protocol, individual results may vary.

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“I Wanted To Take Back My Life” Thu, 30 Apr 2020 08:00:31 +0000 For Trisha, keto was about more than just herself — it was also about her family. 

“I was inactive and struggling to keep up with my children,” she says. 

Trisha also struggled with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and was on daily medication. It had taken away her ability to exercise and was causing her to lose her hair, too. 

“I was tired of being tired every day and wanted to take back my life.”
After years of health challenges and gradual weight gain, Trisha got fed up. 

“One day I was tired of being tired every day and wanted to take back my life. I started keto January of 2019.”

Trisha had tried other diets with little to no success, but for her, things finally clicked with keto. 


Trisha’s Keto Success Story

Trisha committed to keto, and she had a fairly easy time with the physical part of the diet. 

“Keto allowed me to control what I ate,” she says. “I had tried other diets and they were never sustainable for me.”

At first, however, Trisha struggled mentally. 

“The main challenge was myself. I had to overcome the shame of being the one that put my body through the pain of being overweight.”

“Keto allowed me to control what I ate.”
But Trisha found strength in herself and persevered, and the results have been extraordinary. 

“With keto, I learned my PCOS can be controlled by eating the right foods and not being on a pill every day. I am a runner again, completed my first 5K in October, and was 5 minutes faster than my goal.”

Trisha has seen huge health gains on keto, both physically and mentally. The smile in her after photo says it all — she’s healthier and happier than she’s been in years. 

Throughout her keto journey, Trisha has used a few different Perfect Keto products. 

“I started off buying the Keto Bars and they satisfied my sweet cravings. [They’re] great when you need that something sweet, or after a long run I use a bar to satisfy my hunger.” 

Trisha, congratulations on your weight loss and health gains. Your transformation is inspiring, and we hope it convinces others to start their own keto journey. We wish you the best, and thank you for sharing your story with us!

Have a story to share? Fill out this form and look out for your keto success story on our blog and social media.

Keto Success Stories are shared by our readers and customers in their own words. The keto diet and any nutrition advice found on this blog are not meant as a medical intervention, advice, or diagnosis. If you’re interested in trying a new diet, supplement, or lifestyle change, please speak with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider. As with any diet or lifestyle protocol, individual results may vary.

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“I Achieved My Goal Weight, And Then Some” Sat, 25 Apr 2020 08:00:07 +0000 Eighteen months ago, Alison was struggling with her health.

“I was overweight,” she says. “I didn’t feel comfortable in my own body, was not in charge of my own health, and was feeling depressed about it all.”

It wasn’t just the physical limitation of being overweight; Alison struggled with her confidence as well. Eventually, she decided to make a change and try a keto diet.

“I was very interested in changing my own lifestyle…I knew it was all up to me and no one else.”
“After so many mornings of not being able to find an outfit that fit right or looked right, and learning about the keto lifestyle from some family members, I was very interested in changing my own lifestyle.”

Alison had some extra motivation (and support) from her soon-to-be husband, too.

“I got engaged and wanted to like how I was going to look in my wedding photos. I knew it was all up to me and no one else.”


Alison’s Keto Success Story

Alison’s determination paid off — after 18 months of eating keto, she’s lost all her extra weight and is fit, happy, and healthy.

“After finding so many people who found success with keto, I knew I had to try it for myself,” she says. “Once I started, I was hooked. The food is delicious.”

Alison was a bit intimidated by working out — she didn’t have much experience in the gym — but she quickly realized that she didn’t have to exercise to lose weight.

“It’s not completely necessary to work out to achieve your desired results. I didn’t know how to work out, and just eating foods on this diet really helped me achieve my goal weight. And then some!”

“Once I [started seeing] results, I was not going to do anything to jeopardize my success.”
Of course, with so much weight loss, Alison has seen major changes in her body.

“My clothes fit better, my legs no longer rub together when I walk. I’ve seen other positive body improvements, too.”

But the changes aren’t just physical. Alison has gained new knowledge and respect for nutrition.

“I’ve learned more about health and nutrition doing keto than I ever learned in school or other forms of learning,” she says. “I know how my body works now and what makes me feel good, and what makes me feel bad. I feel more energetic and focused.”

Perhaps most important of all, Alison has learned that she can achieve extraordinary things when she puts her mind to them.

“It was less of a challenge to resist all those foods once I started seeing results. For keto to work, you have to make a commitment. And once I saw it work, I was not going to do anything to jeopardize my success.”

Alison has used a few Perfect Keto products during her transformation.

“[Perfect Keto products] made keto so easy! And enjoyable.  I love the collagen protein powder and MCT oil powder in my morning keto coffee. It tastes SO good and makes me feel so empowered and focused. The keto bars were life changing. An on-the-go snack that not only tastes good, but includes healthy ingredients perfect for keto macros. And you keep coming out with new flavors which are always so exciting.”

Alison, a huge congratulations on all your health gains! Your story inspires us to keep doing what we do, and we’re so glad we could help support your keto success.

Have a story to share? Fill out this form and look out for your keto success story on our blog and social media.

Keto Success Stories are shared by our readers and customers in their own words. The keto diet and any nutrition advice found on this blog are not meant as a medical intervention, advice, or diagnosis. If you’re interested in trying a new diet, supplement, or lifestyle change, please speak with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider. As with any diet or lifestyle protocol, individual results may vary.

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“We Had Tried Every Diet In The Book” Mon, 16 Mar 2020 08:00:20 +0000 Today, we have an unusual (and heartwarming) keto success story: a couple who decided, together, to turn their health around.

Two years ago, Shanon and Shane were approaching 50. They were both obese and were struggling with a variety of health issues.

“Before keto I was sleepwalking through life,” Shanon says. “My husband and I were both diabetic, overweight, had high cholesterol and sleep apnea. I was doing just enough to make it through the day. I stayed exhausted and hurt all over, all of the time.”

Shanon had tried everything to lose weight, but none of it stuck.

“I had tried every diet in the book,” she says. “Weight Watchers, calorie counting, you name it. I tried Atkins years ago and lost weight easily, but gained it all back and then some.”

“Before keto, I was sleepwalking through life.”
That changed when Shanon talked to her relatives.

“My brother had been researching keto and was considering it. My sister-in-law told me about it, and I said ‘I’m in.’ The three of us began keto in June 2018.”

At first, Shanon was alone — Shane didn’t want to join her — but when he realized how serious she was, he decided to take the journey too.

“My husband was not on board to begin with. He’s a meat and potatoes kind of man, but once he saw that I was serious he said he would give it a try…we have a 13-year-old son, and it was more apparent every day that we were missing life with him. I didn’t want to cut my life short and miss out on life with him and grandkids in our future.”

That was nearly two years ago, and since then, Shanon and Shane’s lives have changed considerably.

Shanon and Shane’s Keto Success Story

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After starting keto, Shanon quickly realized quite a lot about her body and her health.

“On keto I am clear as a bell.”
“I have learned that most of the food I was eating before kept my body full of inflammation,” she says.

“The reason I was sleepwalking (metaphorically) was the carbs. I stayed in a constant brain-fog. On keto I am clear as a bell, and I have stepped off the roller coaster of mood swings that high carbs put me in.”

Shanon realized that carbs just don’t agree with her, and she can’t eat them — not even a small amount.

“Now, I can tell if I have sneaky carbs. It’s the craziest thing. I begin sneezing (I guess I’m allergic) and before nightfall the inflammation starts in my joints. Before keto, that was my ‘normal.’”

Over the last two years, Shanon and Shane have seen extraordinary weight loss. Their other health issues — high cholesterol, sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes — are all on the mend as well.

Family gatherings and social situations are still a challenge sometimes, but Shanon and Shane are committed to their keto lifestyle.

“That’s where Keto Bars come in handy,” Shanon says. “Holidays take some planning ahead. Most of the dishes I make, anybody would eat them and never know they are keto. I always make sure we have options while visiting family so it won’t seem like we are doing without.”

Shanon also relies on a couple Perfect Keto products.

“About 6 months into keto I began to lose my hair. It was to the point of panic. I tried different shampoos, taking biotin, and bone broth. That is when I found Perfect Keto Collagen Powder. First of all, can I say yummy! I don’t drink coffee, so that is my cup of hot chocolate in the morning. I add a half scoop of Keto Base (both chocolate flavor) with a tablespoon of heavy whipping cream, and that starts my day. My hair has since stopped falling out and is growing!!!

“I also love the Perfect Keto Bars. These are the only bars that don’t have that processed, fake taste. They are perfect for that sweet tooth I have every now and then.”

Shanon and Shane, thank you so much for sharing your story with us. It’s one of the most dramatic transformations we’ve seen, and it’s amazing that you two have committed to improving your health together.

Have a story to share? Fill out this form and look out for your keto success story on our blog and social media.

Keto Success Stories are shared by our readers and customers in their own words. The keto diet and any nutrition advice found on this blog are not meant as a medical intervention, advice, or diagnosis. If you’re interested in trying a new diet, supplement, or lifestyle change, please speak with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider. As with any diet or lifestyle protocol, individual results may vary.

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