MCT Oil Powder – Perfect Keto Making ketosis affordable, effective and delicious with keto supplements and food products Tue, 11 Apr 2023 15:12:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How Much MCT Should You Take? A Research-Backed Guide Mon, 22 Nov 2021 15:19:31 +0000

If you’re hoping for a concise answer, 5-15 grams of MCT oil at a time is the most common dosage range. This range is practical, effective, and thoroughly tested in numerous scientific studies.

However, to really dial in your MCT intake, you’ve got to consider your goals and how your body responds to this supplement. And that’s not always so simple.

Take too much and you can experience an upset stomach, too little and you won’t get the full benefits. To complicate matters further, it’s not always easy to convert dosages between milliliters, grams, ounces, and teaspoons. (And you’ll find all of these various types of measurements out there.)

Fortunately, we’ve got you covered in this comprehensive guide. Keep reading to learn what research really says about MCT oil dosages, the easiest way to determine the correct amount for your health goals, how to convert between different measuring standards, and other practical tips to help you reap all the benefits of the keto diet.

What Is MCT and What are Its Benefits?

MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides. Also known as medium-chain fatty acids, MCTs are commonly extracted as oils from high-quality coconut oil or palm kernel oil.

These unique fats are shorter than other fats, which gives them different digestive properties. MCTs can bypass traditional digestion and go straight to the liver, where they can be absorbed quickly and can be directly converted to ketones. In other words, they can significantly boost ketone levels on the keto diet. [*]

MCT oil has a ton of researched-backed health advantages not found with other fats. On the ketogenic diet, MCT oil is a source of fat that can quickly boost energy levels by effectively increasing ketone production, as well as promote fat loss, particularly in comparison to long-chain triglycerides. Unlike other fatty acids, MCTs are extremely unlikely to be stored as body fat. [*]

MCTs not only support ketosis and healthy weight loss, but they also support cognitive health and gut health. They can also increase your exercise performance by giving you more energy, and keeping cravings at bay. Studies even suggest MCT may help manage diabetes and prevent heart disease. [*][*][*]

How Much MCT Oil Is Right for You?

In a nutshell, when you use MCT oil, the key is to take enough for your goals without unwanted digestive side effects.

Most people should take 5-15 grams of MCT oil per day, one to three times per day for a total of 5-45 grams per day of MCT. Within these guidelines, there’s plenty of room for experimentation.

Regarding metabolization and digestion, every individual body is unique. That’s why a certain dose of MCT may be right for your friend but not ideal for you.

MCT is highly effective for goals including fat loss, mental and physical energy, and increasing ketone levels. And even a single dose taken one time per day can drive noticeable or measurable results.

On the other hand, there’s no reason you can’t take a large amount of MCT, as long as you split it up and avoid exceeding your own personal limits with each dose.

To start, we recommend that you try 5-10 grams of MCT per dose, with anywhere between one and three total doses a day. You can experiment with up to 15 grams per dose, but some people experience negative side effects when they start at such a high level. Explore a range of doses and see how your body responds.

How to Scale Your MCT Intake for a Sensitive Stomach

When you start taking MCT, it’s a good idea to start gradually, especially if you’re prone to upset stomach and other effects. If you have a hyper-sensitive stomach, start by taking 3-5 grams once or more a day.

If that feels okay, you can increase the amount to 8-10 grams, increase your frequency, or both.

For people who find their upper limit is only 3-5 grams per dose, taking multiple lower doses at higher frequencies each day can be very helpful and effective if your body is more sensitive. As an example, you could take 3 grams of MCT every two hours to achieve a total of 18-21 grams or more per day.

At Perfect Keto, we recommend people with sensitive stomachs start with a quarter -scoop of any of our MCT oil powders. Once your body feels good with that amount, you can scale up from there.

The Best MCT Dosages According to Peer-reviewed Studies

For Fat Loss

There are certain dietary dosages of MCT that can help you shed excess fat. In one clinical study, for example, participants lost more body weight by consuming a dosage of 18-24 grams of MCT oil a day, in comparison to the same consumption of olive oil [*].

For Energy and Ketosis

One report tested the results of a low-carb meal, its time of consumption, and the addition of an MCT supplement to assess the metabolic switch from glucose to ketones over an eight hour period. Turns out that two 10g doses of MCT increased the ketone response by 88%, without altering insulin levels. And with an overnight fast and early breakfast, the ketogenic effect and metabolic switch over eight hours was even more intense compared to lunch.[*]

For Cognition

Continued dosages of 20mg of MCTs suggest that the supplement has positive effects on verbal memory and processing speed in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. In a controlled study on 20 Japanese Alzheimer’s patients, participants showed significant improvements in a digit-symbol coding test and immediate logical memory test after consuming 20g of MCTs over a 12-week period.[*]

MCTs can provide the brain with more fuel and improve cognitive function. In another study, patients with mild cognitive impairment saw brain ketone metabolism increase by 230% after taking 30g of MCT per day during a six-month period. [*]

What Happens if You Take Too Much MCT?

Studies show that MCT supplements are very safe. They’ve been extensively researched in various demographics, from children to the eldery.

But if you’re an MCT oil beginner and not used to them, or take too much, they can cause gastrointestinal distress like bloating, nausea, stomach cramping, or general stomach discomfort.

One reason for these phenomena is related to osmosis. When you take too much MCT at once, the fast-absorbing MCTs may cause a temporary buildup of water in your small intestine, resulting in something called “osmotic diarrhea” (essentially, loose and liquid stool)[*].

In the keto community, people sometimes refer to an overdose of MCT oil as causing “disaster pants.” While it sounds humorous, this isn’t a fun situation to deal with — but it’s very likely you can avoid it by following the dosage recommendations we covered in previous sections.

Lastly, if you start to notice any discomfort while taking MCT, scale back your dosage until your body feels comfortable and regulated again. You can also try taking it with a meal as opposed to an empty stomach and see if that helps.

How to Convert Your MCT Oil Dosage

Different studies, websites, brands, and products not only offer different suggestions on how much MCT to take, but they often use different measurements to do so.

The most common and straightforward measurements are grams (g), a unit of weight, and milliliters (ml), a unit of volume that’s approximately equal to grams. but you could also encounter ounces, “scoops,” or measuring spoons like teaspoons and tablespoons of MCT oil.

When you’re figuring out your dose, the best and most precise way is to ultimately convert any recommendation back to grams of MCT oil — which is why we’ve used grams so far in this article.

For anyone who’s not very mathematically inclined, here are the most common measurements converted:

  • A teaspoon is slightly under 5 ml, which is just under 5 grams (and a good starting MCT dose for most people)
  • A tablespoon is close to 15 ml, or a bit under 15 grams (as an individual dose, that’s too high for most people, especially if you’ve never tried MCT oil)
  • An ounce is approximately two tablespoons, 28.5 ml (for a fluid ounce) or 28.5 grams (by weight) — almost guaranteed to cause diarrhea if taken in a single dose!

Scoops come in all different sizes, so you’ll need to check each manufacturer’s product label to learn what the weight or volume of any given scoop happens to be.

Finally, note that weight or mass (grams or ounces) and volume (milliliters, measuring spoons, and fluid ounces) are essentially interchangeable regarding liquid MCT oil, so you can use a food scale or a measuring spoon depending on your preferences.

Determining Your Dosage of MCT Oil vs. Powder

There are different types of MCT. MCT powder is made by drying out MCT oil using a specialized process called spray drying, which converts the liquid to a solid, powdered form. MCT oils and powders both offer the same health benefits, though many people find that MCT powder is easier to digest.

Many people prefer MCT powder to oil because it’s more convenient. It’s not messy like the oil, it’s super easy to transport, and it blends and mixes seamlessly into a simple cup of coffee or more elaborate dinner recipes.

However, the spray drying process does affect the required dosage. Instead of going by the total serving size (in grams) as you usually would with liquid MCT oil, you’ll need to look at how many grams of actual MCT oil are included by consulting the nutrition facts label.

As an example, in our MCT oil powder, the serving size is 12.6 grams total, which contains 10 grams of MCT oil. You’d use the second amount to calculate your dosage, not the first. In other words, the serving size in grams will be higher, so you need to take a second look at the label to determine the amount of MCT oil in a serving of MCT oil powder.

how much mct should i take per day

When we talk about MCT oil powder dosages, it’s important to keep these  differences in mind — always look for the actual MCT content, not just the serving size of MCT oil powder. We like to keep it simple and measure MCT in grams. That means you’re weighing out your MCT intake, instead of using a volume measurement like teaspoons or milliliters. It may sound complicated, but it’s an easy route. For example, if you’re going to start out with a 5-10 gram dosage of MCT, a scoop of MCT powder is the perfect middle ground.

Elevate Your Keto Diet

Perfect Keto MCT Powder

Perfect Keto MCT Powder – Sustained Energy, Enhanced Focus, Quick Metabolic Support. Unleash Your Potential.

Buy Now & Enjoy

How to Incorporate MCT Into Your Diet

It’s pretty simple to incorporate MCT oil powder into your keto diet. It not only works as a quick energy boost, but you can also build it into your favorite drinks, smoothies, and recipes.

When to Take MCTs

The short answer: whenever you need energy.

Your body will burn MCT almost instantly and use it for fuel. It’s a fantastic energy source. Which is why it’s a good idea to plan your MCT intake when you need it most:

  • First thing in the morning to wake you up
  • Before a workout
  • Right before you really need to focus
  • During the afternoon slump

If this is your first introduction to MCT oil, you can also try taking it with a large meal. It can reduce the possibility of an upset stomach.

And if trying to measure out and add up your daily MCT intake feels overwhelming, create some routines off the bat.

Start out, for example, by taking one dose in your morning beverage and one dose during your afternoon slump snack (or whenever makes the most sense to you). Total up your daily intake accordingly, then stick with it for a while until you’re ready to up your dosage again. That way you won’t have to keep track of it every day.

The Easiest Ways to Use MCT

The most common and fastest way to consume MCT is to drink it by mixing it into your favorite beverage, or snack on granola-style bars. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

  1. Boosted or Bulletproof Coffee: add a scoop of MCT oil powder to your morning coffee. Not only will you get a fast energy boost to start the day, but you’ll get a creamy, frothy beverage that feels just a little more special. Blend it into your tea or smoothie and you’ll get that same creamy texture.
  2. Breakfast & Snacks: Enjoy low-carbohydrate pancakes, again with keto blueberry cheesecake pancakes. Whisk MCT oil powder into keto egg muffins or make this matcha chia seed pudding.
  3. Desserts: Satisfy your sweet tooth and bake this super easy chocolate lava cake with MCT oil or get inspired by the seasons with a velvety, low-carb keto pumpkin pie.
  4. Fat Bombs: Get a quick midday energy boost with fat bombs, like this Perfect Keto mocha version.

Now You’re Ready to Get Started with MCT

If you’re ready to get going with MCT and experience those energy boosts throughout the day, start small and scale up. Figure out what works for your body and how to best incorporate it into your diet and daily routine.

It really is simple to make MCT a part of your life. Whether it’s with your morning coffee or whipping into a keto dessert, it’s all about finding ways to get it into your system so you can experience benefits like fat loss and big energy boosts.

You can also increase your daily dose of MCTs in ketogenic snacks like Coconut Chocolate Chip Nola Bars or Salted Caramel Keto Bars. Or get a quick hit with SuperFat Keto Nut Butter packs, with flavors like Coffee + MCT that are loaded with MCT oil and help you power through the day.

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Vanilla MCT Slushies Sat, 16 May 2020 08:00:12 +0000 Jump to recipe

Looking for a new favorite drink for a hot summer day? Look no further than this delightful sugar-free MCT Slushie.

Ice cream may be the go-to summertime treat, but sometimes it’s nice to have a lighter option when vanilla ice cream or smoothies seem too heavy, or perhaps feel like too much work.

With a prep time of only five minutes, you’ll be sipping (or spooning) your slushy in no time.

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This frozen treat is:

  • Cooling
  • Sweet
  • Refreshing
  • Energizing
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The ingredients are:

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Optional additional ingredients:

  • Vanilla extract
  • Sugar-free chocolate syrup
  • Almond milk
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Health Benefits of This Vanilla Slushy Recipe

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Low-Calorie Frozen Dessert Option

While the keto diet isn’t all about cutting calories, the truth remains that if you want to lose weight, you do need to consume fewer calories than you burn daily.

There are many creamy and delicious keto ice cream recipes out there, but if you’re looking to cut the calories, those aren’t going to be the best option for you.

This slushy recipe, however, is only 105 calories per serving and is packed with flavor. If you’re looking for a cooling, slimming Summer treat, slushies are the way to go.

MCTs For An Energy Boost

This simple recipe calls for only two ingredients — unsweetened milk of choice and MCT Oil Powder.

MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) are a type of fatty acid that provides immediate energy as they’re sent directly to your liver for processing. That means you’ll not only cool down with this slushy treat, but it’ll also give you a hit of energy[*].

The added bonus with MCT oil powder is that it gives a smooth and creamy consistency to whatever it’s added to. Use this slushy as a pre-workout snack or as an afternoon pick-me-up.

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How to Make MCT Vanilla Slushies

MCT slushies

If there’s anything that will transport you right back to childhood, it’s a slushy. What is it about a flavorful icy treat that’s so pleasing? 

And the best part of this slushy recipe is that all you need are two ingredients, and you’re good to go. So grab your blender and enjoy! 

  • Author: Corina Nielsen
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: 1 cup



  1. Add all ingredients to a high-speed blender and mix until slushy.  Pour into a glass and sprinkle with cinnamon if desired.


  • Calories: 105
  • Fat: 6g
  • Carbohydrates: 2g (Net: 1g)
  • Fiber: 1g
  • Protein: 10g
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18 Keto-Friendly Pantry Recipes Fri, 01 May 2020 08:00:08 +0000

Your pantry is probably getting a lot more love than it’s used to nowadays. With the stay at home orders, and most people avoiding grocery shopping, stocking up has become the new norm.

While most people have their pantries stocked with rice and beans and high-carb snacks like chips and crackers, a keto pantry is going to have a very different look.

Taking a gander into a well-stocked keto pantry, you’ll find essentials like nuts, seeds, canned fish, oils, nut butter, almond meal, herbs, spices, and protein powder.

So what do you do with all these pantry goodies? Well, there is plenty you can do. In fact, you could cook yourself up breakfast, lunch, and dinner, almost exclusively using pantry items as your ingredients.

Pantry Breakfast Recipes

You would be surprised by how many breakfast recipes call primarily for pantry items. You may have to grab an ingredient or two out of the refrigerator, but for the most part, these breakfast options come straight out of the cabinet.

1. Low-Carb N’Oatmeal

Snickerdoodle N’Oatmeal

This low-carb n’oatmeal recipe makes an excellent replacement for the traditional pantry breakfast staple, oatmeal. Using exclusively pantry-friendly ingredients you can mix and match your topping and choice of nut butter for a variety of different flavors.

2. Keto Pancakes


Keto Pancake

In good times or bad, pancake breakfasts give you a reason to gather around the table and enjoy each other’s company. These keto pancakes are light, fluffy, and butter, and they’re ready in just 15 minutes

3. Vanilla Protein Waffles

Crispy Vanilla Protein Waffles

You may not have enough eggs in your refrigerator to make scrambles and frittatas every morning. However, you can still get a hit of protein for breakfast with these vanilla protein waffles, which pack 17 grams of protein per serving. And the best part? They only call for one egg.

4. Chocolate Almond Smoothie Bowl

Chocolate Whey Almond Smoothie Bowl

While most smoothie bowls are made with frozen fruit, this chocolate almond smoothie bowl is based around protein powder and pantry items like cacao powder, chia seeds, almond milk, and nut butter.

Sure, if you happen to have some berries you can throw them on there too.

5. Crunchy Coconut Cluster Keto Cereal

Crunchy Coconut Cluster Keto Cereal

Cereal is one of the best breakfast comfort foods. You can make it a meal, grab some as an afternoon snack, or use it as a topping for chia seed pudding or smoothies.

This crunchy coconut cluster keto cereal is packed with fiber and protein and includes some pantry favorites like shredded coconut, pumpkin seeds, and MCT Oil Powder.

6. Superfood Pumpkin Waffles


Superfood Pumpkin Waffles

These delicious and filling superfood pumpkin waffles are the perfect example of the hidden treasures that may be hiding in your pantry. With ingredients like pumpkin puree, microgreens powder, and full-fat coconut milk, they provide a boost of nutrition while satisfying your cravings for some warm and crispy waffles.

Pantry Lunch and Dinner Recipes

Okay, for these recipes you may have to journey into your refrigerator for some ingredients, but they’re still made with mostly pantry ingredients.

7. Salmon Patties

Spicy Low-Carb Keto Salmon Patties

These salmon patties can be prepared with either fresh salmon or canned salmon. Obviously, for the pantry edition you can go with the canned variety. Just be sure to choose BPA-free cans and fish that’s wild-caught.

Spice them up with your favorite flavors, have fun with what’s already in your pantry.

8. Oven Baked Naan


Oven Baked Naan

Indian food is packed with delicious flavors, but naan bread has to be one of the most enticing options on the menu. It’s soft, chewy, and typically loaded with carbs. This oven-baked keto naan, however, has only eight grams of net carbs per serving.

Use it as a side to one of your favorite Indian dishes, or just slather some butter or ghee on there and make it a hearty snack.

9. Chili Lime Tuna Salad

Chili Lime Tuna Salad

Tuna salad is the ultimate pantry meal. Pull out all your favorite herbs and spices, mix it up, add nuts and seeds, or follow this recipe to the T. Either way, if you’re looking for a protein-packed meal option, tuna salad is your quick and easy solution.

10. Creamy Keto Crab Dip

Creamy Keto Crab Dip

What’s that can of crab meat doing that’s been sitting in your pantry for a year? It’s time to pull that out for a little treat yourself moment. Pair this creamy keto crab dip recipe with some chopped veggies or your favorite keto crackers.

11. Garlic Breadsticks

Garlic Breadsticks

If you’ve got cheese in your refrigerator that’s looking for a purpose — these breadsticks are the answer. With only 5 grams of net carbs per serving, these cheesy, garlic breadsticks make a mouth-watering appetizer, side dish, or snack.

12. Brown Butter Buffalo Bites

Brown Butter Buffalo Bites

While most of the ingredients in these buffalo bites appear to come from the refrigerator, with a couple of tweaks, this can actually become a pantry-friendly recipe. First, if you don’t have fresh garlic cloves on hand, go for garlic powder. Second, if you don’t have any grass-fed butter in your refrigerator, opt instead for ghee.

As for the cauliflower, fresh is always best for this recipe, but you could try it with frozen.

Pantry Dessert and Snack Recipes

If you want to satisfy your sweet tooth or are looking for some simple keto snacks, look no further than your trusty pantry.

13. 3-Ingredient Keto Mocha Chia Pudding

3-Ingredient Keto Mocha Chia Pudding

This 3-ingredient chia pudding recipe could not be more simple. In fact, you can think of it as a starting point to add any ingredients that are calling to you. Some fantastic add-ons include shredded coconut, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, cacao powder, and crushed walnuts.

14. Blueberry Muffins with Collagen

Blueberry Muffins with Collagen

Blueberry muffins are always a fan favorite, so why not add a little protein? While muffins are typically seen as a breakfast food, this recipe is so delectable it can second as a dessert. Pulling from some pantry staples like flax meal, almond flour,  Perfect Keto Vanilla Collagen, and monk fruit — these muffins are both nutritious and delicious.

15. Avocado Brownies

Avocado Brownies

Looking for a good use for those avocados? If your avocados are ripe and you’re not quite sure what to do with them, it’s time to get the pantry involved.

This avocado brownie recipe turns traditional brownies on their head with healthy fats and a creamy mouthfeel.

16. Keto Nut Butter Cookies

Keto Nut Butter Cookies

This nut butter cookie recipe requires only four ingredients — three of which you’ll find right in your pantry. If you want to spice them up with a little cinnamon or nutmeg no ones going to stop you — but they truly are delicious as-is.

17. No-Bake Pumpkin Protein Bites

No-Bake Pumpkin Protein Bites

If you’re short on time, but your sweet tooth needs some attention, these no-bake protein bites are the perfect solution. Ready in just ten minutes, this is another pantry-exclusive recipe that’s no-fuss and all flavor.

18. Keto Buckeyes: Chocolate Nut Candies

Keto Buckeyes: Chocolate Nut Candies

If you’re short on time, but your sweet tooth needs some attention, these no-bake protein bites are the perfect solution. Ready in just ten minutes, this is another pantry-exclusive recipe that’s no-fuss and all flavor.

Nuts and chocolate are the ultimate flavor combo, and these buckeye candies nail it with cocoa powder, nuts, almond butter, and of course … chocolate.

Keto Pantry Staples To Stock Up On

The best part about pantry staples is the fact that you can stock up without having to worry about your food expiring.  Most pantry staples are good for months, if not years.

And you can get many of them delivered to your door from Amazon. This means you get to buy in bulk, save a buck, and never have to worry about running out of food. Some essential keto pantry items to make sure you have on hand include:

Baking Supplies

Almond Flour

Coconut flour

Baking powder

Baking soda

Cocoa powder

Stevia, monk fruit sweetener, swerve,or erythritol

Unsweetened chocolate chips

Fats and Oils

Coconut oil

Avocado oil

Sesame oil Ghee

Olive oil

Coconut butter

Herbs and Spices










Sauces and Condiments

Coconut aminos

Hot sauce

Coconut cream

Coconut milk

Almond milk

Bone broth or chicken stock


Nuts and Seeds

Flax seeds

Chia seeds

Shredded coconut

Macadamia nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews etc.

Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds,

Nut butter

Keto Essentials

Perfect Keto Whey Protein

Perfect Keto MCT Oil Powder

Perfect Keto Collagen Powder

Perfect Keto Exogenous Ketones

Canned Goods






The Takeaway

Don’t let those pantry items go to waste. It’s all too easy to stock up the kitchen and then get intimidated when it comes time to cook.

While your pantry items will hold the longest shelf life, their value doesn’t lie in taking up space, use them to enhance your meals and increase the variety in your day to day meal planning.

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Keto Dalgona Coffee Fri, 10 Apr 2020 19:19:27 +0000 Jump to recipe

The dalgona coffee TikTok trend has everyone’s attention, and for a good reason — it’s delicious. The creamy iced coffee drink may look keto-friendly, but it’s loaded with sugar.

Luckily, with just one simple adjustment, you can make this South Korean whipped coffee recipe keto-friendly without losing the creamy texture and decadent taste. So, what is dalgona coffee, exactly? And where did it begin to take the world by storm?

What is Dalgona Coffee?

Dalgona coffee is a rich, creamy coffee drink that originated in South Korea. The trick (and what differentiates it from other iced coffee drinks) is that the coffee is whipped to creamy perfection.

Then, the coffee whip is added to a glass of icy cold milk.

But there’s a problem with the original recipe. Most of them call for up to 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. That’s 26 grams of carbohydrates and 98 calories. And, frankly, sugar isn’t great for your immune system right now.

Instead of sugar, this keto dalgona recipe uses monk fruit or Swerve, which both boast zero calories and 0-4 carbs per teaspoon. Not bad considering they’re both sweeter than sugar without the glycemic load. So, you don’t even need as much.

How to Make Keto Dalgona Coffee

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Are you ready to try some keto whipped coffee?

Grab a large bowl and your ingredients and let’s get started.

To begin, add two tablespoons of instant coffee, two tablespoons of monk fruit, and two tablespoons of hot water to a large bowl.

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Using a hand mixer, whip ingredients together for two to three minutes, until the mixture has thickened and turned light/golden brown.

Next, add one scoop of Perfect Keto Vanilla MCT Oil Powder, and then whip for an additional minute.

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Add ice cubes and your milk of choice to a glass, pour your coffee mixture over the ice, and enjoy.

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Keto Dalgona Coffee FAQs

Does the type of coffee matter?

Unfortunately, you cannot use normal coffee grounds or brewed coffee. It just won’t whip up. And when experimenting in the Perfect Keto Test Kitchen, we realized our delicious instant coffee won’t whip up properly either.

That’s why we added a bit of the Vanilla MCT Powder to the mixture once it’s whipped. You’ll get some extra keto-friendly fats and the lightly sweet vanilla taste of the powder.

What kind of keto sweetener is best?

We used normal granulated monk fruit with no problem, but some people recommend using the confectioner’s sugar from Swerve. That said, sticking with monk fruit or swerve is probably best.

Stevia is even sweeter than both of these and it can be tricky to get the amounts balanced.

When to enjoy Keto Dalgona Coffee

The dalgona coffee is so popular because of its creamy decadence. Because it’s so rich, you can easily enjoy this as a midday “snack” or in the morning before breakfast.

If you feel like creating a total at-home keto breakfast experience, pair your iced coffee with one of these keto-friendly recipes:

Health Benefits of This Keto Dalgona Coffee Recipe

keto dalgona coffee

#1 Boosts Your Energy and Performance

It may sound obvious, right? Coffee to boost your energy — what a novel concept. But aside from the fact that coffee can give you a little wake-up call, research shows that caffeine can actually boost physical performance as well[*].

That means you not only have more energy for your workout, but you can perform better too.

In addition, this dalgona coffee recipe has a little secret ingredient that will provide you with even more immediate energy —MCT oil powder.

MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) are processed by your liver differently than other forms of fat. Because they can be sent directly to your liver, when you consume MCTs, they provide your body with a near-immediate flow of energy.

What’s more, research shows that MCT consumption can enhance endurance by increasing the size of your mitochondria[*].

#2 Replaces Sugar with Antioxidants

This keto dalgona coffee recipe skips the granulated sugar and opts instead for monk fruit sweetener as a sugar substitute.

The result? A low carb coffee drink that tastes just as sweet as the original with the added benefit of monk fruit antioxidants[*][*].


Keto Dalgona Coffee

  • Author: Corina Neilsen
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: 1 cup



  1. Add instant coffee, sweetener, and boiling water to a large bowl.
  2. Using a hand mixer, whip ingredients for 2-3 minutes until mixture has thickened and turned a light golden brown color.
  3. Add Perfect Keto MCT oil powder and whip for an additional minute.
  4. Add ice and milk to a glass.  Pour in the whipped coffee. Stir to enjoy.


  • Serving Size: 1 cup
  • Calories: 83
  • Fat: 8 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 7 grams
  • Fiber: 3 grams
  • Protein: 0

Keywords: dalgona, instant coffee, keto coffee

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12 Low-Carb, No-Sugar Keto Sauces to Replace Store-Bought Condiments Wed, 29 Jan 2020 19:50:06 +0000 Ever since you started a keto lifestyle, you’re probably spending more time in the kitchen than ever before. You realized that one of the best ways to stay keto is to make your food from scratch. And now that you’ve purged your refrigerator of high-sugar condiments, you’re on the hunt for keto sauces and dressings to replace them.

To help you out, this guide offers a dozen low-carb recipes to replace your former favorites. Made with healthy fats and oils, low-glycemic sweeteners, and fresh seasonings, each of these keto sauces will fit perfectly into your ketogenic lifestyle.

12 Keto Sauces and Dressings to Restock Your Fridge

When you went keto, chances are you were horrified to read the list of ingredients on your store-bought ketchup, BBQ sauce, and salad dressings. With those items safely in the trash, it’s time to restock your fridge. These low-carb, no-sugar recipes are tasty alternatives to replace those old condiments.

#1. Avocado Pesto Greens Sauce

Avocado Pesto Greens Sauce

Looking to enjoy a keto-friendly pasta night? With this keto pesto recipe, you’ll combine creamy avocado, fresh basil, pine nuts, and high-quality extra virgin olive oil to create a delicious sauce.

For a low-carb, grain-free approach to your favorite Italian dishes, add to spaghetti squash or zucchini noodles.

While replacing traditional wheat noodles with veggie-based noodles has its own benefits, this recipe does you one better: It’s made with Perfect Keto Greens Powder with MCTs, which contains 26 fruits and vegetables in every serving.

#2. Fresh Keto Ketchup 

Keto sauces include homemade sugar-free ketchup

​When following a keto diet, most commercial ketchup products are out of the question. Loaded with sugar and unpredictable ingredients, the typical bottle of ketchup will have you setting it back on the shelf.

However, this sugar-free ketchup recipe is made with tomato paste, apple cider vinegar, garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne, salt, and keto-friendly sweetener of choice (no white sugar in sight).

Whip up a batch of celeriac fries, make your favorite bunless burger, and enjoy burger night without the carbs.

#3. Keto Marinara Sauce 

Keto sauces include this delicious marinara

Who knew you could enjoy your favorite Italian dishes without the added sugar or carbs?

This marinara sauce will soon become a staple in your home as the perfect topping (or dipping sauce) for spaghetti, mozzarella sticks, and chicken parmesan.

Made with olive oil, crushed garlic, tomato puree, and monk fruit, it’s a wonderful sauce to pair with veggies, low-carb pasta, or protein.

#4. Homemade Keto Ranch Dressing

Homemade keto ranch dressing

If you grew up with a family who considered ranch a condiment — not a salad dressing — you may want to sit up and pay attention.

This zesty ranch dressing is completely keto-approved, allowing you to (once again) pour it over pizza, veggies, chicken wings, and salads.

Made with keto mayo, sour cream, apple cider vinegar, and fresh dill, it’s sure to become one of your favorite low-carb recipes.

#5. Smoky Keto BBQ Sauce 

Smoky keto BBQ sauce

Before you switched to a ketogenic diet, BBQ sauce was one of your favorite condiments. You’d smother it on sandwiches, pork chops, chicken wings, and pulled pork. But after catching a glimpse of the nutrition label, you knew it was a no-go.

Fortunately, this keto BBQ sauce recipe allows you to enjoy your favorite condiment once more. Made with apple cider vinegar, hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce, monk fruit, and liquid smoke, it gives you the subtle, smoky flavor you crave without any the carbs.

#6. Easy Low-Carb Cheese Dip

Keto sauces: Low-carb cheese dip

When you found out you could still enjoy (high-quality) dairy on keto, you breathed a side of relief. Sure, you could live without grains and starches and go gluten-free. But who could live without dairy?

This keto-friendly cheese sauce is perfect for any tailgate or party appetizer. Made with cheddar cheese, heavy cream, and cream cheese, this keto cheese dip is both savory and satisfying.

Use it as you would cheese fondue, dipping roasted or raw veggies or slices of keto bread into the sauce.

#7. Cheesy Garlic Keto Alfredo Sauce 

Keto sauces include this creamy alfredo sauce

To get more vegetables into your keto meal plan, try this recipe on for size. This keto alfredo sauce is made by blending an entire head of cauliflower with heavy cream, mozzarella cheese, nutritional yeast, and minced garlic.

Packing 8 grams of protein, 8 grams of fat, and just 5 grams of carbs into every serving, this recipe fits perfectly into your macro goals.

Serve over chicken, zucchini noodles, or spaghetti squash for a low-carb dinner idea.

#8. Healthy Keto Mayo

Keto sauces: Healthy keto-friendly mayo

Think mayonnaise is bad for you? While store-bought versions can be loaded with hidden carbs, homemade mayo can be good for you. In fact, you can make it with a few ingredients: raw egg, olive or avocado oil, and acid (like lemon juice).

This low-carb mayonnaise is the ultimate keto substitute for one of your favorite condiments — and it happens to be paleo, gluten-free, and dairy-free.

Made from eggs, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and salt, use it on your favorite low-carb lunch wraps or this red pepper sandwich.

#9. Easy Keto Balsamic Dressing

Keto sauces: Balsamic dressing

Balsamic salad dressing is often advertised as low-carb and healthy, but store-bought versions might contain hidden sugars.

This low-carb sauce is a keto option that features balsamic vinegar, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, dijon mustard, and monk fruit.

Plus, it contains a secret ingredient with added benefits: Perfect Keto Nut Butter, which is loaded with healthy fats.

#10. Tangy Garlic Sesame Keto Dressing

Keto sauces: Tangy Garlic Sesame Keto Dressing

Looking to liven up your lunchtime routine? This flavorful Asian-inspired dressing could be used as a salad dressing or a marinade.

Ready in less than five minutes, it combines avocado oil, sesame oil, coconut aminos, sriracha, garlic, fresh ginger, and Perfect Keto Nut Butter into one, finger-licking sauce.

Pour it over salads, roasted veggies, or stir-fry for an easy lunch option.

#11. Chunky Keto Guacamole 

Chunky Keto Guacamole 

Long before you went keto, guacamole was one of your favorite appetizers. And even though you waved goodbye to tortilla chips and plantain chips, you can still enjoy it.

This easy keto recipe for guacamole combines avocados, red onion, cilantro, lime juice, tomatoes, and jalapeno, packing a wealth of flavor into every bite.

Use it as a chunky keto sauce with keto fajitas, burrito bowls, or taco salads to create your favorite Mexican dishes.

#12. 5-Minute Keto Avocado Dressing

Keto sauces: Avocado dressing

Entree salads may sound like a healthy lunch option, but a store-bought dressing could stop you in your tracks. Many salad dressings are packed with not-so-great ingredients, including sugars, additives, and lots of sodium.

But with this keto avocado dressing, you’ll find nothing of the sort. Made with avocado, plain yogurt, dill, scallions, and Perfect Keto Greens Powder, this sauce will quickly become your new go-to for salads and more.

Enjoy These Keto Sauces on Your Low-Carb Meal Plan 

Going keto doesn’t mean giving up your favorite foods — it means recreating your former favorites into healthier low-carb versions.

While the majority of condiments lining store shelves have sugar and other unwanted ingredients, there are plenty of easy keto-recipes to replace them.

For more ideas on how to use these keto-friendly sauces, check out the Perfect Keto recipe library for salads, wraps, sandwiches, pasta dishes, and more.

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18 Easy, Egg-Free Keto Breakfast Recipes Fri, 03 Jan 2020 19:06:21 +0000
  • Smoothies
  • Keto Classics
  • Meal Prepping
  • Eggs are a staple on any ketogenic diet. With 5 grams of fat, 6 grams of protein, and less than 1 gram of carbs per egg, these nutritional powerhouses deserve a place in your keto diet meal plan[*].

    But if you’re tired of eating eggs every day — or if you have an allergy or sensitivity — this roundup of recipes has you covered with 18 quick and easy egg-free recipes you’ll love.

    Many of these recipes are just as filling, delicious, and easy to prepare as eggs and scrambles, so anyone can squeeze them into a busy schedule.

    5 Easy and Filling Keto Smoothie Recipes

    Smoothies are great for cramming a meal’s worth of nutrition into a portable drink you can take on your morning commute.

    They’re also versatile, so you can mix up a new flavor each day of the week without repeating recipes or getting bored.

    With these first two keto smoothies, you can also sneak in micronutrients from fruits and low-sugar veggies without altering the taste or texture.

    #1: Citrus Keto Green Smoothie

    keto breakfast no eggs idea: citrus keto green smoothie

    If you’re struggling to eat enough vegetables during the day, or you miss starting off your mornings with a fresh glass of orange juice, try this citrus keto green smoothie.

    It’s packed with spinach and a scoop of Perfect Keto Greens Powder, which offers nutrients from 26 different fruits and vegetables per scoop.

    Bursting with citrus flavors like orange, lemon, and lime, this energizing smoothie isn’t just flavorful, it’s also filling and won’t spike your blood sugar like orange juice does.

    Healthy fats from MCT oil will also help your body better absorb the fat-soluble vitamins and minerals in those fruits and veggies.

    #2: Micro Greens Matcha Smoothie

    micro greens matcha smoothie

    This brightly-hued micro greens matcha smoothie contains the same Greens Powder with MCT oil powder as the last recipe, but the flavor and nutritional profile are different thanks to a few swaps in the ingredient list.

    Instead of using spinach, this smoothie calls for kale, which is rich in antioxidants like vitamin C and beta carotene. It’s also anti-inflammatory and helps with your natural detoxification pathways[*].

    Blueberries replace the citrus flavors from the first smoothie recipe, so you have more than one option when it comes to low-glycemic fruit.

    Alternate between these two smoothies to keep breakfast interesting and give yourself a plan for well-rounded micronutrient intake.

    #3: Low-Carb Acai Almond Butter Smoothie

    keto breakfast no eggs idea: almond butter smoothie

    Most acai bowls are anything but “safe” on a keto diet.

    Not only is the acai usually sweetened with sugar or honey in commercial smoothie bowls, but it’s also topped with mounds of non-keto fruit and sweeteners like maple syrup.

    This makes them more of a sugar bomb than a healthy breakfast.

    Luckily, there’s a way to enjoy the same flavors of an acai bowl without sabotaging your keto diet efforts: this keto acai almond butter smoothie.

    In it, you’ll find unsweetened acai, collagen protein powder, avocado, MCT oil powder, and almond butter.

    Unlike a normal acai bowl, this one is only 6 grams of net carbs instead of 60 grams. You won’t find 43 grams of sugar in it either[*].

    This combo of ingredients creates a filling smoothie that won’t cause a huge spike in your blood glucose levels or leave you with cravings an hour later.

    If you’re on the go, you can sip this smoothie from a cup.

    But you can also pour it out like a traditional acai bowl and top with a few keto additions like:

    • Shredded, unsweetened coconut (roast it for some crunch)
    • Slivered keto nuts
    • Chia seeds
    • Hemp hearts

    #4: Cinnamon Dolce Latte Breakfast Smoothie

    cinnamon latte breakfast smoothie

    Cinnamon takes center stage in this cinnamon dolce latte breakfast smoothie.

    Besides its warm flavor, cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants like polyphenols, phenolic acid, and flavonoids, all of which help your body decrease free radical damage and protect your brain.

    Cinnamon can also improve insulin sensitivity and helps reduce blood glucose levels, total cholesterol, the “bad” LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides[*].

    This smoothie also has collagen protein powder and chia seeds, which will keep you feeling full and strong for hours.

    Take a look at the macros for this smoothie to see for yourself:

    • 235 calories
    • 22g of fat
    • 1g of net carbs
    • 13g of protein

    #6: Creamy Vanilla Chai Protein Shake

    keto breakfast no eggs idea: chai protein shake

    The spices in chai tea, like cinnamon, contain powerful polyphenols — antioxidants that protect your cells from damage and help with anti-aging.

    Ginger root also encourages healthy digestion and boosts immunity[*]. Not bad for a breakfast smoothie.

    If you’re looking to swap out your keto coffee, or you’re craving a chai latte without all the sugar and carbs, you owe it to yourself to try this vanilla chai protein shake.

    At 190 calories, 1 gram of net carbs, 15 grams of fat, and 11 grams of protein per cup, it’s much more satiating than any chai latte you’ll find at a coffee shop.

    7 Keto Breakfast Swaps to Replace High-Carb Classics

    Searching for “keto breakfast no eggs” can lead to cravings for high-carb favorites like yogurt, oatmeal, and sweet cereal with milk.

    But these low-carb recipes make it easy to stick to your routine without ruining your chances of reaching (or staying in) ketosis.

    #1: Keto Cereal and Cinnamon Toast Crunch Knock-Off

    keto cereal made from pork rinds

    Most Americans are raised with cereal and ice-cold milk for breakfast.

    And when you went keto, you probably thought you’d have to give that up forever.

    Until now.

    This keto Cinnamon Toast Crunch knock-off has everything: cinnamon, sweetness, and crunch.

    It looks similar to the cereal you can’t have, but it cleverly uses pork rinds and liquid stevia to create the same crunch and sweetness (minus the carbs and sugar).

    Keep in mind that when it comes to the milk you use for your keto cereal, reach for unsweetened coconut, almond, or hemp milk instead of regular milk to avoid the carbs that come with the latter.

    #2: Chia Berry Yogurt Parfaits

    keto breakfast no eggs: chia berry yogurt parfaits

    As enticing as store-bought yogurt parfaits look, most of them contain far too much sugar for anyone to consume in a day, let alone in a single serving.

    Avoid kicking yourself out of ketosis by whipping up a batch of these low-carb chia berry yogurt parfaits.

    Even healthier and tastier than classic parfaits, these are an awesome option for a keto breakfast no eggs because of their high fiber content. You’ll stay full and satiated for hours.

    #3: Low-Carb Oatmeal

    low-carb oatmeal

    Oatmeal is one of those breakfast staples many people hate to leave behind because they don’t know how to find a keto-friendly replacement.

    Fortunately, there are a few low-carb versions to help satisfy your oatmeal-for-breakfast craving while remaining in ketosis:

    1. Keto Oatmeal: 5-Minute Low-Carb Noatmeal
    2. Snickerdoodle N’Oatmeal

    #4: Healthy Keto Breakfast Grits

    keto breakfast no eggs with grits

    Thanks to this keto breakfast grits recipe, you can replace your high-carb grits without sacrificing flavor or texture.

    Go for the classic shrimp and grits or top your keto grits with:

    • High-fat shredded cheese
    • Crumbled bacon, ham, or cooked breakfast sausage
    • Veggies like mushrooms, green onions, or asparagus

    #5: Homemade Coconut Yogurt

    coconut yogurt

    Despite being marketed as healthy, most store-bought yogurts contain just as many carbs and sugars as a donut — if not more.

    Keto-approved yogurt does exist — you just have to look for full-fat yogurts without added sugar or flavorings at the grocery store.

    Another option that’s easier than you may think is making your own homemade coconut yogurt.

    This homemade yogurt recipe is keto, vegan, vegetarian, and paleo. It’s also perfect for anyone with dietary sensitivities because it’s free of:

    • Dairy
    • Eggs
    • Gluten
    • Grains
    • Nuts
    • Soy

    Follow the recipe and then top your homemade yogurt with fresh berries or crunchy “Cinnamon Toast” keto granola for a cool treat filling enough for breakfast.

    #6: Chocolate Keto Chia Pudding

    keto breakfast no eggs: chocolate keto pudding in glass

    If you’re new to keto and still craving sweet breakfast options, it’s best to get as much protein as possible to help curb your cravings — especially in the morning.

    This chocolate keto chia pudding recipe, which packs both chia seeds and chocolate collagen protein, contains a whopping 18 grams of protein — more than enough to get you through your morning.

    This three-ingredient keto mocha chia pudding is another tasty option if you prefer a hint of coffee in your breakfast pudding.

    #7: Smoked Salmon Keto Avocado Toast

    smoked salmon and veggies on toast

    You don’t have to miss out on delicious breakfast trends just because you’re in ketosis.

    This avocado toast is packed with healthy monounsaturated fats from avocado and omega-3 fatty acids from wild-caught smoked salmon.

    And because it calls for low-carb keto bread as your toast base, you can have this refreshing smoked salmon avocado toast all the time.

    Stacked with avocado, cucumber, smoked salmon, red onion, and spices like red pepper flakes, salt, pepper, and fresh dill, this impressive recipe takes less than 10 minutes to put together and banishes hunger with loads of healthy fats.

    3 Breakfast Ideas That Work Well for Meal Prepping

    Do your busy mornings make it seem impossible to squeeze in a healthy breakfast?

    Try meal prepping breakfast ahead of time and you’ll have servings to grab throughout your hectic workweek.

    These low-carb breakfast recipes make keto meal prep a better choice than the dirty keto options along your commute.

    #1: Keto Coconut Chia Bars

    keto breakfast no eggs: keto coconut chia bars

    Though convenient, most granola bars are just sugar and carbs to disguised as a healthy breakfast.

    Instead of store-bought bars, bake a batch of these keto coconut chia bars and you’ll have a portable choice for breakfast the whole family will love.

    These keto breakfast bars boast healthy fats from chia seeds, coconut oil, shredded coconut, and cashews — all of which help power your day.

    You can also customize this keto breakfast recipe based on what you and your family like, such as using macadamia nuts or stevia-sweetened chocolate chips.

    No time to bake? Be careful of store-bought bars — even the “low-carb” ones can be detrimental to your health goals.

    Instead, try this keto-friendly almond butter brownie bar, which is stevia-sweetened and won’t spike your blood sugar.

    #2: Low-Carb No-Egg Breakfast Sausage Bake

    low-carb no egg breakfast bake

    As your sugar cravings start to diminish on a keto diet, you might find yourself craving more savory meals in the morning.

    That’s where this egg-free sausage and pepper combo comes in.

    Start your day with a hearty meal and cook it ahead of time — casserole style — so you can enjoy it throughout the week.

    Not only will this recipe save you time in the morning, but you can also tweak it to include more seasonal veggies, different flavors of sausage, and whatever cheese you have on hand.

    Always ask your butcher what’s in the sausage you’re buying (or check the ingredients label and nutrition facts) to make sure it’s free from hidden carbs and questionable fillers that may kick you out of keto.

    #3: Low-Carb Blackberry and “Apple” Crumble

    keto breakfast no eggs: blackberry and "apple" skillet crumble

    This blackberry and “apple” skillet crumble is a deceiving recipe that only looks like you’re having a cheat meal for breakfast.

    Here’s the secret: shredded zucchini.

    Thanks to its neutral flavor, zucchini offers micronutrients and fiber that hide perfectly within this sweet treat.

    With frozen blackberries, cinnamon, and nutmeg helping to disguise the hidden veggie, you’ll fool all the picky eaters at your breakfast table.

    3 Options for People Who Don’t Like Breakfast

    Many keto dieters find they aren’t hungry in the morning when they’re finally in ketosis.

    Others who practice intermittent fasting also typically opt out of breakfast and start their eating window later in the afternoon.

    But if you’re hungry in the morning on your journey to ketosis, or you need to wake up your brain for a big presentation, always lean on healthy fats.

    Fats will squash your hunger pangs and feed your mental performance. Plus, they’re easy to include during breakfast with these quick recipes.

    #1: Keto Boosted Coffee Recipe

    keto coffee

    For a lighter breakfast option that gives you just as much fuel as a full meal, try this boosted coffee recipe jam-packed with MCT oil.

    MCT oil is a fast-acting energy source that your body and brain use almost immediately to support[*][*]:

    • Stable energy levels
    • Cognitive and mental clarity
    • Proper metabolic and cellular function

    While this looks like your average cup of coffee, it’s anything but.

    #2: Fat Bombs

    keto breakfast no eggs: fat bombs

    Fat bombs are a convenient way to get a burst of energy and mental clarity in the morning or in between meals.

    One or two fat bombs in the morning will set you right for hours thanks to high-fat ingredients like coconut oil, cream cheese, grass-fed butter, and almond butter.

    Highly customizable and fairly easy to tackle, check out this list of the best fat bombs for a low-carb lifestyle.

    #3: Perfect Keto Bars

    box of perfect keto bars

    If you’re looking for a grab-and-go keto-friendly breakfast option, these delicious keto bars give you 19 grams of fat and 10 grams of protein per bar.

    Those keto macros come from real ingredients, including organic almond butter, grass-fed collagen, organic almonds, cocoa, and coconut oil instead of cheap fillers and chemical additives.

    Unwrap one for breakfast or any other time you need a filling snack to tide you over.

    Keto Breakfast No Eggs Required

    You don’t have to eat eggs every day on the keto diet. Feel free to take a break from eggs for breakfast without loading up on carbs or getting out of ketosis. By sticking to these keto-friendly recipes, you’ll add variety and nutrition to your keto meal plan.

    Don’t forget to bookmark this page so you can always refer to these recipes when you need a keto breakfast without eggs.

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    20 Mouthwatering Keto Christmas Desserts Thu, 19 Dec 2019 08:00:36 +0000 #1 Peppermint Mocha Cake Pops 1.png

    These sweet little cake pops make an excellent addition to any dessert table. They have that chocolate-mint combo that everyone knows and loves, and with some crushed candy cane, they give your holiday dessert tray some festive flair. Check out these delicious peppermint mocha cake pops.

    #2 Perfect Keto Mallow Munch Bars


    Mallow Munch.png

    Perfect Keto Mallow Munch bars are a lot like rice krispie treats, except they won’t kick you out of ketosis during your holiday celebrations. 

    Instead of using rice and sugar (which unfortunately aren’t keto-friendly), we made these with dairy protein crisps and keto sweeteners, resulting in 9 grams of protein, 90 calories, and only 2 grams of net carbs per serving.

    They’re available in Marshmallow, Chocolate, and Peanut Butter flavors. You can eat Mallow Munch bars straight from the package, drizzle them with nut butter, or even incorporate them into your own crunchy keto Christmas recipe ideas if you’re feeling creative!

    #3 Keto Brownie Peppermint Crunch

    keto brownie.png

    Every dessert table needs a brownie recipe. These delicious peppermint brownies make an excellent Christmas treat with a little bit of crunch and a ton of flavor.

    #4 Cinnamon Roll Cheesecake Bars

    cinnamon roll.png

    Warming spices like cinnamon can turn any dessert recipe into a holiday-inspired treat. If you like your desserts to be packed with protein, these cinnamon roll cheesecake bars are the way to go. Each bar has 10 grams of protein, with only five grams of net carbs.

    #5 Keto Matcha Green Tea Cupcakes

    keto matcha.png

    Green food coloring? I don’t think so. Make Christmas cupcakes the keto way and add in some green matcha powder. This recipe calls for matcha MCT oil powder giving your cupcakes a festive green color that’s also packed with health benefits. Just add some sugar-free red sprinkles and you’ve got yourself a truly festive treat.

    #6 Keto Chocolate Fudge

    keto chocolate fudge.png

    One of the best parts about fudge is that it’s naturally high in fat, so with just a few adjustments, you can make a delicious fudge that fits perfectly into your keto diet. Make a large batch of this easy and delicious keto fudge to share with your friends and loved ones as a special Christmas treat — they won’t even know it’s sugar-free!

    #7 Caramel Sauce

    caramel sauce.png

    Having a keto caramel sauce recipe on hand can be a lifesaver when it comes to keto dessert cooking. You can drizzle this caramel sauce on ice cream, pies, brownies, fudge, or whatever else your heart desires. It only takes 10 minutes to throw together, and you likely already have all the ingredients in your stocked keto kitchen.

    #8 Almond Joy Fat Bombs

    almond joy fatbombs.png

    This the season to step your fat bomb game up a notch. If you’re an almond joy fan, these almond joy fat bombs are for you. Coconut goodness mixed in with almonds and surrounded by rich chocolate — what more could you want? And of course, they’re sugar-free with only two net carbs per fat bomb.

    #9 Coconut Matcha Truffles

    coconut matcha truffles.png

    These delicious smooth and creamy coconut matcha truffles add some festive joy to the dessert table with a burst of bright green. They’re rich in fat coming from butter, cream cheese, and coconut butter, and they net in at only one carb per serving.

    #10 Keto Christmas Mint Candy


    There’s nothing that says Christmas like keto Christmas mint candy. Made with fresh peppermint extract, cream cheese, butter, and your choice of keto sweetener — these little mints make a fun and festive addition to any Christmas party.

    Keto Cookie Recipes

    Christmas cookies are such an essential part of Christmas desserts that they deserve their own category. And just like everything else in this roundup, all of these holiday cookies are gluten-free.

    #11 Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies


    It isn’t a Christmas cookie tray without some raspberry thumbprint cookies thumbprint cookies. All you need for this festive recipe are some keto-baking staples like almond flour, eggs, monk fruit sweetener, and butter. Plus, a sugar-free jam (make sure the jam doesn’t have any artificial sweeteners like sucralose or aspartame).

    #12 Shortbread Cookies


    Shortbread cookies make an excellent after-dinner treat to be served with coffee or tea. This recipe adds pecans, but you can use any nut of choice, or even go nut-free if you like.

    #13 Nut Butter Cookies

    nut butter cookies.png

    Forget the peanut butter cookies, upgrade this classic recipe with some almond butter. All you need is four ingredients — almond butter, eggs, vanilla extract, and your sugar-free sweetener of choice. These nut butter cookies  go fast, so you may want to double up on the recipe.

    #14 Gingerbread Cookies

    gingerbread cookies.png

    Gingerbread is a holiday staple. You can use this gingerbread cookie recipe to make cookies in all shapes in sizes, from gingerbread men to Christmas trees. You can even use it to make a mold for a gingerbread house.

    #15 Snowball Cookies

    snowball cookies.png

    The weather outside might be frightful, but these snowball Christmas cookies are so delightful. Topped with a cranberry (one each), these dense little treats are packed with flavor and contain less than two carbs per cookie.

    #16 Sugar Cookies

    sugar cookies.png

    Decorating Christmas sugar cookies is right up there with making a gingerbread house when it comes to Christmas festivities. If you thought you had to give up this holiday tradition because you’re following a keto diet — think again.

    These cookies make the perfect case for all your favorite Christmas toppings, just make sure to use sugar-free frosting and sprinkles.

    #17 Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Chocolate chip cookies.png

    These chocolate chip cookies have a secret ingredient — whey protein. That’s right; you can have your dessert and support muscle synthesis at the same time. And when you leave that tray of cookies out for Santa, he’ll be grateful for the extra protein boost to keep him going on his long night. You can even make a batch of these chocolate chip protein cookies for a post-workout snack.

    #18 Snickerdoodle Creme Cookies


    What’s better than a snickerdoodle cookie? Two snickerdoodle cookies sandwiched with cream in the center. Each cookie sandwich contains only two net carbs, and 126 calories — you simply can’t go wrong with these snickerdoodle creme cookies.

    Festive Dessert Drinks

    #19 Keto Hot Chocolate

    keto hot chocolate.png

    Cozy up by the fireplace or turn on your favorite Christmas movie with a warm cup of this rich and creamy keto hot chocolate. You can have it as is, or enjoy it with a tray of cookies or some keto whipped cream.

    #20 Keto Eggnog

    keto eggnog.png

    You can serve this classic homemade keto and paleo eggnog hot or cold, boozy or virgin, and spiced up or plain and simple. Add a cinnamon stick for decoration.

    Recipe link:

    Enjoy Christmas Dessert Without The Sugar Crash

    Some people take the holidays as a time to “cheat” a bit on their diet. At the end of the day, if you want to dip out of keto for a day or two, it’s not going to kill you.

    However, if you’re determined to stay the course and would rather avoid the process of becoming re-adapted to keto, then this list of keto-friendly desserts should keep you more than satisfied over the holidays.

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    The Easiest Keto Lava Cake Recipe Ever Tue, 19 Nov 2019 16:00:12 +0000 Jump to recipe

    You know the feeling when those post-dinner dessert cravings hit. You’re longing for a rich, captivating treat to tie the perfect finishing bow on your meal — enter this keto lava cake.

    You can make this cake in individual-sized portions, so you get the perfect amount without overindulging. It will become a fast favorite thanks to how easy it is to make, plus it’s healthy and utterly delicious.

    While most cakes are packed with gluten, carbs, and excess processed sugars, this keto chocolate cake is gluten-free and soy-free and incorporates sugar-free chocolate chips, grass-fed butter, coconut oil, and other ingredients to support your keto lifestyle.

    This recipe is super easy to prep and should only take five minutes to assemble. You then simply pop it into the oven for 25 minutes and wait for your delicious concoction to take shape.

    Keto Lava Cake Ingredients

    The main ingredients in this low-carb chocolate lava cake are:

    Health Benefits of Low-Carb Chocolate Lava Cake

    Along with its decadent, ultra-moist taste and texture, there are many health benefits of the ingredients in this cake. You can indulge in this dessert and know that it’s good for you.

    #1. Great for Heart Health

    This keto lava cake has ingredients that can help your heart stay healthy. The almond flour, MCTs, and eggs all have heart health benefits.

    Almond flour is a rich source of monounsaturated fat, which has been linked to lowering cholesterol. Some studies have shown that consuming almonds drastically increased antioxidant levels, as well as blood flow, all while reducing blood pressure and insulin levels found within the blood [*].

    All of these are key to maintaining proper cardiovascular health.

    MCTs are easy to digest and instantly used by the body for fuel. Studies show that MCTs can help prevent cardiovascular disease by decreasing blood triglycerides and LDL cholesterol[*].

    Eggs are a high-quality source of protein and have a complete amino acid profile. They also contain zeaxanthin and lutein, which have been proven to manage cardiovascular health[*].

    Some studies have concluded that consuming more lutein-rich foods are associated with better cardiometabolic health and levels of physical activity [*].

    #2. Dark Chocolate Has Antioxidants

    When many people think of dessert, they think of chocolate. But for those following a ketogenic diet, the last thing you want to consume foods high in sugar. Thankfully, this recipe is rich and sweet without kicking you out of ketosis. And the dark chocolate is actually good for you, too.

    Dark chocolate is luxurious, tantalizing, and a healthy choice to satisfy your sweet tooth. Even better, it offers numerous health benefits.

    For one, dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants. Studies show cacao seeds have more antioxidant activity against free radicals than blueberries[*].

    These antioxidants are called flavonoids, which are associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative disorders[*].

    Dark chocolate also aids with heart and brain health. Studies show that it has beneficial effects on cognitive function and it can improve blood flow and lower blood pressure[*][*].

    #3. Dark Chocolate Helps With Blood Sugar

    The higher the cocoa content, the lower the sugar content, which seems counterintuitive but is actually true. This is especially beneficial for those suffering from type 2 diabetes.

    One study conducted on those with type 2 diabetes examined the effects of high-cacao, polyphenol-rich chocolate on lipid profiles, weight, blood pressure, glycemic control, and inflammation. It found that consuming dark chocolate may help lower fasting glucose levels and reduce insulin resistance[*].

    The results from another study showed a significant improvement in blood triglycerides and lowered blood pressure for those who consumed chocolate that was higher in cacao[*].

    #4. Keto Sweeteners Benefit Blood Sugar

    Baking a dessert without using sugar can be intimidating to many people. But the evidence shows that excessive sugar consumption can be especially damaging to your cardiovascular health and oral hygiene[*][*]. That’s where low-carb sugar substitutes come into play and offer a better alternative to sugar.

    This keto lava cake uses stevia instead of sugar. Stevia doesn’t negatively affect blood sugar and it doesn’t rack up carbs and calories. It has also been shown to benefit blood sugar and insulin levels after a meal. What’s more, stevia contains compounds like apigenin and quercetin, which have been shown to reduce oxidative stress[*].

    If you don’t like stevia, you can also use erythritol, swerve, or monk fruit. All of them will sweeten the cake without adding carbs.

    How to Make This a Nut-Free Keto Lava Cake

    If you have a nut allergy, the almond flour in this recipe will be a no-go for you. But what can you use instead that is still low-carb, gluten-free, and has the right texture to make a gooey molten lava cake? The answer is coconut flour.

    To substitute coconut flour for almond flour, start with a 1:4 ratio (75% less coconut flour compared to almond flour). It might alter the flavor a bit, but with a little tinkering, you can get the texture and chocolaty taste to remain the same.

    Be sure to check out this guide on coconut flour vs. almond flour for more helpful tips on cooking with coconut flour.

    Lava Cake Base Can Make Chocolaty Brownies

    This lava cake recipe is an easy base for scrumptious brownies — you’ll just need a few more ingredients. This recipe for keto brownies walks you through every step. The addition of coffee really brings out the chocolate flavor.

    Keto Mug Cake Idea

    If you just want a really quick recipe without all the prep, then make a keto mug cake. This is one of the most popular keto desserts because it’s so easy.

    In fact, most of the ingredients in keto mug cake are the same as this lava cake. But since you make it in the microwave, it uses cocoa powder and vanilla extract instead of dark chocolate.

    Top Your Cake With Keto-Friendly Ice Cream

    Want to take your keto lava cake over the top? Add a scoop of low-carb vanilla ice cream. It’s easy enough to make your own no-churn ice cream at home. This is mainly a combination of heavy whipping cream, Perfect Keto Vanilla Collagen, monk fruit sweetener, and vanilla extract.

    Make Chocolate Cake Keto-Friendly

    It’s hard to imagine a more classic dessert than chocolate lava cake. The rich decadent chocolate mixed with the delicately tender cake combines for a truly delicious ending to any meal.

    Such a tantalizing dessert would typically be a challenge to fit into a healthy, low-carb, keto meal plan. But this one is pretty near perfect. For even more recipes to satsify your sweet cravings, check out this keto-friendly dessert list.


    Easiest Keto Lava Cake

    keto lava cake

    Get ready for a delicious, chocolaty, decadent, perfectly portioned dessert for your keto diet. You’ll never go back to high-carb sweets again.

    • Author: Ayla Sadler
    • Prep Time: 5 minutes
    • Cook Time: 25 minutes
    • Total Time: 30 minutes
    • Yield: Serves 4
    • Category: Dessert



    1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
    2. In a medium-sized bowl, mix the dry ingredients.
    3. In another bowl, mix together the wet ingredients.
    4. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and stir until well-combined. Stir in chocolate.
    5. Add mixture to 2 8-oz or 4 4-oz. well-greased ramekins and bake for 15-25 minutes (longer for larger ramekins)
    6. Allow to rest for 5 minutes before serving.


    • Serving Size: 1
    • Calories: 300
    • Fat: 30
    • Carbohydrates: 9g (Net Carbs: 4g)
    • Fiber: 5g
    • Protein: 6g

    Keywords: keto lava cake


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    Simple, Delicious Strawberry Cream Cheese Fat Bombs Mon, 21 Oct 2019 14:03:10 +0000 Jump to recipe

    Strawberry Cheesecake Fat Bombs

    Keto dieters often complain about the lack of sweets on the diet. That’s because this low-carb way of eating is very focused on eliminating harmful sugar from your diet. But there are options for that lingering sweet tooth in your life. These strawberry cream cheese fat bombs are the perfect example.

    Fat bombs are a great way to help you reach your macro goals while simultaneously satisfying your sweet cravings. These strawberry cheesecake fat bombs are low-carb and packed with healthy fats and antioxidants. Satisfy your cravings with this real-fruit fat bomb recipe.

    What Is a Fat Bomb?

    If you’ve been following the ketogenic diet for a while, you’re probably familiar with the concept of “fat bombs.”

    Fat bombs are coconut oil-, nut-, or dairy-based bite-sized treats whose main ingredient is healthy fat. Getting enough fat into your diet can be a challenge when you’re first starting out on the keto diet. The macronutrient requirements are likely balanced in a way you’ve never practiced before. Fat bombs are the perfect keto snack to help you up your fat intake and keep you in ketosis, one delicious bite at a time.

    Keto Fat Bomb Options

    Fat bombs are also versatile, with different flavors like lemon, mocha, chocolate chip, and “Almond Joy” on the roster. While many fat bomb recipes out there are meant to replace dessert foods like cupcakes, muffins, cheesecake, cookies, cookie dough, brownies, and even some chocolate candies, there are also delicious savory fat bombs you can try. Savory fat bombs feature ingredients such as bacon, eggs, salmon, cream cheese, and more.

    Check out this list of 35 of the best keto fat bomb recipes whether you’re in the mood for sweet or savory.

    How to Use Sweeteners on Keto

    When it comes to making keto-friendly recipes — particularly those that are sweet — you may be wondering what you can use instead of regular table sugar (or any of the other sugar forms that can spike your glucose levels).

    Keto-friendly sweeteners include stevia, monk fruit, or sugar alcohols like erythritol-based Swerve. These options have zero (or close to zero) net carbs, due to the canceling effects of sugar alcohol and fiber. For every gram of fiber present in a serving of food, you can cancel out one gram of carbohydrates.

    For sugar alcohol, it can get a little tricky. Most experts suggest a .5 to 1 relationship between sugar alcohols and carbohydrates. In other words, to calculate net carbs when some of those carbs come from sugar alcohols, you’ll want to subtract .5 grams of carbohydrates for every 1 gram of sugar alcohol. If there are 6 total carbs and 2 are sugar alcohols, the net carbs for that food is 5 grams[*]. Make sense?

    Give each of these keto sweeteners a try to see which one works best for you, both for your digestive system and your personal palate preferences.

    Keto Strawberry Cream Cheese Fat Bombs

    Not only are these cream cheese fat bombs insanely delicious and easy to prepare, but they also come with some surprising health benefits. From vitamins and minerals to plenty of healthy fats that support hormone health and neurotransmitter production, these cream cheese fat bombs are the perfect addition to your keto diet plan.

    These keto fat bombs are:

    • Sweet
    • Creamy
    • Fruity
    • Satisfying
    • Sugar-free
    • Gluten-free
    • High-fat
    Strawberry Cheesecake Fat Bombs

    The main ingredients in these tasty cream cheese fat bombs are:

    Health Benefits of Strawberry Cheesecake Fat Bombs

    These super delicious strawberry cream cheese fat bombs taste just like traditional strawberry cheesecake bites, but with a fraction of the carbs and zero added sugar. They also offer some fantastic health benefits.

    Strawberry Cheesecake Fat Bombs

    #1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

    Strawberries are packed with powerful antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress and aid in the fight against free radicals. Antioxidants like ellagic acid, procyanidins, flavonols, and vitamins A and C also reduce inflammation and strengthen your immune response[*][*][*].

    Strawberries are also a relatively high-fiber fruit that allows you to enjoy something sweet without ruining your carb count for the day.

    #2. Supports Heart Health

    The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects of the nutrients in strawberries also play a role in heart health. By preventing oxidative stress and inflammation, you protect your vascular system and support better cell health[*].

    According to some data, eating various berries, including strawberries — whether, fresh, juiced, freeze-dried, or frozen — can help reduce inflammatory markers and improve LDL oxidation and glucose metabolism[*].

    It makes sense that berries are good for your heart. But butter?

    Grass-fed butter (as opposed to conventional butter or margarine) is packed with nutrients, including anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K2.

    Vitamin K2 is an essential nutrient that you only get in large amounts in foods like butter and organ meats.

    K2 helps to usher calcium into your bones where it belongs, as opposed to staying in your arteries, where calcium can harden and lead to Atherosclerosis[*].

    Grass-fed butter contains a fatty acid called butyric acid, a powerful anti-inflammatory compound that contributes to gut health[*]. It’s also rich in CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), a fatty acid that studies have shown may[*]:

    • Reduce atherosclerosis
    • Enhance the immune system
    • Prevent and treat diabetes
    • Aid in weight loss
    • Reduce body fat
    • Increase body protein
    • Enhance bone formation

    #3. Builds Stronger Bones

    While dairy isn’t universally accepted as a health food, the right kinds of dairy can provide you with hefty amounts of protein, calcium, and fat.

    Organic cream cheese and butter from grass-fed cows contain more nutrients than conventionally-raised cows.

    Organic dairy can improve your bone mineralization and lower your risk of fracture and osteoporosis, especially as you age[*].

    Grass-fed butter and other organic dairy products also contain vitamin K2, which is known for helping shuttle calcium from your bloodstream into your bones where it belongs. This means stronger bones and healthier arteries for you.

    If you don’t have a known dairy allergy or intolerance, you should be fine with a few servings of dairy per day.

    Strawberry Cheesecake Fat Bombs

    Keto Fat Bombs: Healthy Cheesecake You Can Enjoy

    These are the perfect keto desserts if you’re craving cheesecake or strawberry ice cream.

    To prepare, simply puree fresh or frozen strawberries in your food processor and mix in your room temperature cream cheese and butter.

    Once your strawberry cheesecake mixture is ready, pour into prepared muffin tins or a silicone candy mold and place in the freezer to chill for about 40 minutes. Keep this low-carb dessert in your freezer for a sweet frozen snack or make a batch or two for a party.

    Even non-keto folks will appreciate this perfectly sweet, creamy treat.


    Strawberry Cheesecake Fat Bombs

    Strawberry Cheesecake Fat Bombs

    These strawberry cream cheese fat bombs are keto-friendly and packed with healthy fats and antioxidants. Crush your sweet cravings with these no-bake, real-fruit treats.

    • Author: Corina Nielsen
    • Prep Time: 15 minutes
    • Total Time: 1 hour
    • Yield: 10



    1. Puree the strawberries in a small blender or using a hand mixer. 
    2. Add a small splash of vanilla and mix to incorporate.
    3. Prepare a muffin tray with muffin liners.
    4. Melt the cream cheese and butter together.
    5. In a medium-sized mixing bowl, combine the dairy mixture and the strawberry mixture, and mix well.
    6. Pour evenly in muffin tins or silicone mold and place in the freezer to chill for no less than 40 minutes.


    • Serving Size: 1 fat bomb
    • Calories: 121
    • Fat: 12.8g
    • Carbohydrates: 1.2g (net)
    • Protein: 1.4g

    Keywords: Strawberry Cheesecake Fat Bombs

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    Chocolate Keto Birthday Cake With Vanilla Buttercream Sun, 20 Oct 2019 16:00:17 +0000 Jump to recipe

    Do you have a sweet tooth? Do you constantly fight sugar cravings? This keto birthday cake might be the sweet surprise you’re looking for.

    You can still enjoy some of your favorite treats — even though you follow a low-carb diet. And while these desserts shouldn’t make up the base of your calories by any means, there’s no reason you can’t indulge on special occasions.

    Now, if you’re ready for a true indulgence, get ready to stick your fork into this keto birthday cake.

    The Secret to Making Keto Birthday Cake

    This delicious, gluten-free chocolate cake with vanilla buttercream serves a group of six, perfect for a small celebration. If you look at the nutrition facts below, you’ll see one mouthwatering slice (or serving size) contains:

    • 61 grams of total fat
    • 10 grams of protein
    • 5 grams of net carbs

    No, that’s not a typo — you’re about to dip your fork in a chocolate layer cake that’s smothered in buttercream, all for a fourth of the net carbs you’d get from a single apple[*].

    How is that possible?

    The secret to this cake recipe is stevia — a zero-carb, zero-calorie sweetener that’s over 200 times sweeter than regular table sugar. Combined with almond flour, coconut cream, and vanilla protein powder in the cake batter, this is a protein-packed, low-sugar dessert you don’t need to feel guilty about.

    How to Make Keto Chocolate Cake

    Most low-carb recipes call for three swaps in ingredients to make it compliant with a keto diet:

    • A gluten-free, grain-free, or alternative flour
    • A zero-carb sweetener
    • A healthy source of fat

    You’ll learn about each of these ingredients in depth below.

    #1: Select a Low-Carb, Gluten-Free Flour

    When following a keto recipe, particularly for a dessert, you will always swap out white or wheat flour for a low-carb alternative. Typically, desserts such as brownies, mug cakes, cupcakes, and other baked treats call for a few cups almond flour or coconut flour.

    In this cake recipe, you’ll use almond flour, which has several health benefits, including:

    • It’s gluten-free
    • It’s one of the lowest carb flour alternatives
    • It’s abundant in several key vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, and manganese[*].

    Almond flour is also a suitable swap for those diagnosed with diabetes. The consumption of almonds has been shown to help reduce blood sugar and insulin levels[*].

    2. Add a Dose of Healthy Fats

    Most keto baked goods call for a healthy fat, and this cake calls for coconut cream, which is a dairy-free ingredient that can help lower blood pressure, boost your energy, and prevent a blood sugar spike[*]. Other cake recipes may call for coconut oil, melted butter, heavy cream, cream cheese, heavy whipping cream, or almond milk.

    3. Sweeten With Sugar-Free Sweetener

    All keto desserts usually have low-carb sweeteners such as powdered monk fruit, erythritol, Swerve, or stevia. This chocolate cake calls for stevia, which you’ll learn about below.

    What Is Stevia?

    Stevia is an extract of the herb stevia rebaudiana. Native to South America, the stevia plant has been used for around 200 years to sweeten food and beverages. It’s exponentially sweeter than regular white sugar but doesn’t raise blood glucose levels. Since it’s so sweet, you only need trace amounts (rather than the 1-2 cups of sugar most desserts call for) to bake a treat.

    Why Use Stevia?

    Stevia has been shown to:

    • Prevent blood sugar and insulin spikes after a meal[*]
    • Reduce oxidative stress, as it contains compounds apigenin and quercetin, which can help reduce free radicals[*]

    You can find stevia in many forms — typically drops or powders. Powdered stevia is your best choice. Double-check the ingredients to make sure it’s not combined maltodextrin, dextrose, cane sugar or artificial sweeteners, all of which can raise your blood sugar levels.

    What Makes It So Sweet?

    Stevia contains sweet-tasting compounds called steviol glycosides. There are 11 major steviol glycosides, each one up to 250–300 times sweeter than sucrose. A single stevia leaf can contain one steviol glycoside or several, which makes it incredibly sweet[*]. Plus, it doesn’t contain a bitter aftertaste.

    Now that you know the basics of a perfect keto cake, it’s time to talk frosting.

    How to Make Low-Carb Buttercream Frosting With MCT Powder

    Buttercream is typically made by whipping powdered sugar and butter, but that doesn’t mean you have to kiss it goodbye on keto.

    Instead of powdered sugar, you can use vanilla MCT oil powder.

    What Are MCTs?

    MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides, a form of saturated fatty acids. Unlike long-chain fatty acids, MCTs don’t need digestive enzymes to be broken down for energy, so they’re not stored as fat and are used as energy instead. Inside your body, MCTs boost blood ketones, so it’s an excellent fat for keto dieters.

    In addition, MCTs help:

    • Improve mental clarity
    • Boost digestive health
    • Support hormonal health and metabolic functioning
    • Prevent heart disease and diabetes

    MCTs can be eaten through whole foods such as coconut, or you can get MCTs through supplements. However, in whole foods MCTs are mixed with other long-chain fatty acids, so you get smaller doses and don’t get the quick energy boost.

    Perfect Keto MCT Oil Powder contains MCTs extracted from organic coconuts and, in this recipe, it takes the place of vanilla extract for an incredible keto baking hack.

    Bite Into This Keto Birthday Cake at Your Next Party

    For your next celebration, bake this moist, delicious chocolate cake that will keep your carb count low and cravings at bay.

    Thanks to the limited ingredients, limited carbs, and health benefits, this is the perfect cake to make next time you host a birthday, engagement party, or another special occasion. Cheers!


    Chocolate Keto Birthday Cake with Vanilla Buttercream

    keto birthday cake

    This delicious keto birthday cake recipe is low-carb and jam-packed with all the healthy fats you want.

    • Author: Cristina Curp
    • Prep Time: 15 minutes
    • Cook Time: 25 minutes
    • Total Time: 40 minutes
    • Yield: 6
    • Category: Dessert


    • 4 ounces stevia-sweetened dark chocolate, chopped
    • 1/2 cup coconut cream
    • 2 large eggs
    • 30 drops liquid stevia
    • 2 tablespoons cacao powder
    • 1/2 cup almond flour
    • 2 teaspoon baking soda
    • 1/4 teaspoon fine salt
    • 1/2 pound of Kerry Gold butter (1 block), softened
    • 3 scoops Perfect Keto Vanilla Collagen MCT or MCT powder
    • Chocolate chips or cacao nibs


    1. Preheat oven to 350℉.
    2. In a large microwave-safe bowl, melt the chopped chocolate for 30-40 seconds until soft.
    3. Whisk until smooth, then mix in coconut cream and whisk until completely smooth.
    4. If it thickens too much, microwave it for 10 more seconds. Then continue to whisk until glassy and smooth. Once it has cooled, mix the eggs and stevia in until fully combined then set aside.
    5. Mix all of the dry ingredients in a separate bowl then fold them into the wet mix.
    6. Transfer the batter to a cake pan lined with parchment paper. Bake for 25-30 minutes.
    7. Let the cake cool before unpanning. Cut the loaf in the middle evenly as you’re going to stack them.
    8. Whip the butter and vanilla MCT powder until smooth. Add 2 tablespoons to one square, smooth it out and then stack the two cake layers. 
    9. Apply one thin coat of buttercream — this is the crumb coat. Then set it in the freezer for the butter to harden, about 20 minutes.
    10.  Remove from the freezer and finish applying the buttercream with a spatula. Garnish with chocolate chips.


    • Calories: 623
    • Fat: 61g
    • Carbohydrates: 8g
    • Fiber: 3g
    • Protein: 10g

    Keywords: chocolate keto birthday cake

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